
21 January 2016
Santa Maria is on a crusade to fight boring meals
Santa Maria is on a crusade to fight boring meals

25 November 2015
The secret to Pulled Pork is… Santa Maria
Patience is no longer the secret ingredient for perfect pulled meat; Santa Maria’s Pulled Pork Dinner Kit and Pulled Chicken Dinner Kit create tender and full-flavoured meat in just 90 minutes, without the need for overnight marinating or lengthy slow-cooking.

14 February 2015
Discovery Taco Seasoning Mix; Product Recall
Santa Maria UK can confirm that it is recalling its Discovery Taco Seasoning (30g) on a precautionary basis as it may contain almond protein in the seasoning mix.
Santa Maria UK Ltd ∙ Nimbus House, Maidstone Road ∙ Kingston, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK10 0BD ∙ Telephone numbers: UK careline: 01908 933109 ∙ ROI: 1800 577 449