Cookie & Copyright information

About cookies

Cookies are used to optimize the site's functionality and customize it to your preferences. The website's functionality is therefore to some extent depend on cookies. 

Trademarks and Copyright

Copyright © Santamaria AB. All rights reserved. All copyright and other rights in all text, images, audio, software and other materials posted belongs to the Santa Maria AB.

It is permitted to reproduce extracts by way of printing, downloading to a hard disk, transmit or link to others, but for information purposes only and provided that the copyright notice as above stated.

Copied or saved information from the website may not be sold or distributed for commercial purposes, nor modified or incorporated in any other document or publication, whether in electronic format or hard copy, or uploaded to another commercial web site or by link to our site without approval has been obtained from Santa Maria AB. No other rights are granted. All trademarks displayed on this site is owned by the Santa Maria. It is not allowed to use any trade mark on the website without permission.


Gustav Gerig AG ∙ Hardturmstrasse 169 ∙ CH-8005 Zürich ∙ Switzerland∙ Tel. +4144444333